Graduating from the UNC School of Medicine, preparing for a move to Colorado, and also the little matter of their magnificent Charlotte wedding before heading west for their residency training.
If you were ever going to pick a time to have a medical problem, you were in the right place. Claire’s parents, Lili and Chris, are both physicians, as are some other family members and there were numerous classmates from med school.
Tradition and family were also well represented as many family members took part and Claire wore a veil first worn by her great-grandmother in 1928. And her gown was created by reusing additional Belgian lace from her great-grandmother’s wedding dress and satin worn by her maternal grandmother, great-aunts, and mother. In attendance were seven women who have worn the family veil.
Dina Berg Blazek and her staff were did their usual stellar job and The Blossom Shop provided the incredible flowers that adorned the unique spaces at the Foundation for the Carolinas. Company photographer Laura Mueller seemed to be everywhere capturing wonderful moments and beautiful details.
Hopefully Claire and Bill had a restful trip in Hawaii before heading to Denver to begin their careers in Pediatric Oncology and Radiation Oncology.